56Strong - Prospera


About the Program

56Strong connects women entrepreneurs and business leaders from all of Montana's 56 counties through a one-on-one mentorship program. This is a six-month program designed to:

  • Bridge the gap between the urban and rural divide
  • Support female entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses
  • Increase female businesses across the state of Montana
  • Help women gain access to capital
  • Support and build resiliency among female professionals


  • Kick-Off will be held on Zoom on Tuesday, January 21st from 4-5:30
  • Closing will be held on Zoom on Tuesday, June 17th from 4-5:30
  • Monthly networking and business discussions for the entire group on Tuesdays of each month (not mandatory but recommended) Topics are TBD based on the needs of the participants
    • Feb. 25th | 12-1 pm
    • March 11th | 4-5 pm
    • April 15th | 12-1 pm
    • May 20th | 4-5 pm


$400 for mentee participation | Free for mentors

There will be no refunds for participants who quit or can't complete the program. Everyone who applies for the program is expected to be committed to it.

Selection Process


Everyone must apply to participate.

Apply to be a mentor

Mentee applications closed December 8, 2024, Mentor applications still being accepted.


Every applicant (mentee and mentor) is interviewed to gain an understanding of challenges, strengths, and needs. Interviews will be 20 minutes on Zoom and are imperative to the matching process.


After the interviews are completed there is a matching process to create the partnerships. The matches are formed from the current challenges/needs of the mentees and the strengths/history of the mentors.

Applications for 56Strong are open!

For any questions, please email Prospera at info@prosperamt.org

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